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7 Tips On Home Hydroponics For Beginners

Hydroponics is an easy and fast way of growing plants. Growers are widely using modern hydroponics to grow plants both commercially and at home. These tips on home hydroponics for beginners will assist you in getting started.

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Want to start a hydroponic garden at home easily? Check out our recommendations for Best Hydroponics Starter Kits for Beginners.

What Is Hydroponics?

Hydroponics is a technique for growing plants without soil. In hydroponics, plants grow directly in water mixed with a nutrient solution.

Plants absorb their nutrients from the soil. However, hydroponics does not use soil to grow. So, where does the plant get its nutrients from? Plants will absorb their nutrients directly from the water. 

Adding a nutrient solution to the water allows the plants to get the nutrients they need from the water. The plants’ roots grow directly in the water solution and absorb nutrients to support growth.

A growing medium will offer physical support to the plant. Rockwool is the most common growing medium. You can also use gravel, coconut coir, vermiculite, and perlite.

7 Tips On Home Hydroponics For Beginners
Hydroponics for Beginners

Hydroponics has several advantages, including:

  • Faster growth. Plants grow faster than their soil counterparts.
  • More yields. Hydroponic plants yield more than plants that grow in soil.
  • Does not involve soil. Hydroponics is less messy because you do not use soil.
  • Space-saving. Plants can grow in less space because they don’t need to spread their roots to get nutrients.
  • Water-saving. In hydroponics, you cover the reservoirs to avoid evaporation hence saving on water.
  • No weeds. In hydroponics, there are no weeds that frustrate most gardeners.
  • Fewer diseases and pests. You avoid soil-borne diseases and pests.

7 Tips How To Grow Hydroponics For Beginners

The following tips will make hydroponic gardening for beginners very simple and fun.

Tip 1 Get The Best Hydroponic System For Beginners

There are many hydroponic systems that growers use. These systems differ in how they operate, the equipment they need, the cost, and the complexity of maintenance.

For beginners, a simple hydroponic system is best. A complex and high maintenance system can frustrate a beginner. Choose a method that will make hydroponics for beginners fun and easy.

Tip 2 Choose Plants That Are Easy To Grow Hydroponically

Plants that are easy and quick to grow are the best for hydroponics for beginners. Plants with a fast turnaround will encourage a beginner.

Vegetables and herbs are the ideal plants for beginners. Vegetables that grow best hydroponically include kale, lettuce, Swiss chard, and spinach. 

Herbs such as mint, oregano, parsley, cilantro, and basil also grow best hydroponically. You can also opt for fruiting plants such as hot peppers, tomatoes, and strawberries.

Tip 3 Get The Right Equipment

Hydroponics for beginners can be easy if you are using equipment that is easy to set up. Different hydroponic systems require different equipment. 

You can decide to go very simple and use a system that will require readily available equipment.

One of the best hydroponic setup beginners use is mason jar hydroponics. Mason jars require very little setup, and you have a Mason jar hydroponic garden in no time.

Tip 4 Choose The Best Medium

Rock wool is one of the best mediums for hydroponics for beginners since you don’t need to sterilize it. 

You can use other options such as coconut coir, vermiculite, and perlite. However, ensure that you sterilize these mediums before planting.

Tip 5 Get The Conditions Right

Different plants need different conditions to grow. Ensure that the environment that you set up is ideal for the plants you grow.

Plants will require sunlight to grow. Ensure that the plants get access to the correct amount of sunlight. If you are growing indoors, using LED grow lights is a good alternative.

Temperature is also essential in the development of plants. Ensure the temperature is good for the plant you grow.

Tip 6 Get The Best Nutrients

Hydroponic plants draw their nutrients from the water they grow in. It is, therefore, crucial to get the right nutrient solution. 

It would be best to find a nutrient solution specific to the type of plant you want to grow. Also, use the right portion for the amount of water and plants that you grow.

Tip 7 Get A Hydroponic Beginners Kit

Hydroponic gardening kits will let you learn how to grow hydroponics for beginners in an easy and fun way. Get a kit and have fun growing your plants.

Types Of Hydroponic Systems

There are several hydroponic systems available to choose from. Each system presents its own advantages and disadvantages. What separates each of these systems is how they deliver water, nutrients, and oxygen.

The most common systems home growers use are:

  1. Deepwater Culture (DWC)
  2. Ebb and Flow (Flood and Drain)
  3. Nutrient Film Technology.
  4. Wicking
  5. Aeroponic
  6. Drip

Best Hydroponic System For Beginners

The Deepwater culture DWC hydroponics for beginners is the best. This system requires the least amount of equipment, materials, and tools. It does not also require any skills or experience to get started.

Fill your container with water, add a nutrient mix, and suspend the plant’s root into the solution. The plants will get a continuous supply of nutrients, water, and oxygen.

DWC hydroponic system is easy to set up and maintain, making it the perfect system for hydroponic beginners.

Hydroponics For Beginners – Growing Kits

Hydroponic gardening kits come with all the materials, tools, and supplies you need to start growing your hydroponic plants. This makes kits a good idea for home hydroponics for beginners.

Smart Garden Indoor Herb Garden Starter Kit for Beginners

This smart indoor garden kit has an automatic control panel for LED grow lights. You do not have to worry when nobody is at home.

You will have access to your favorite herbs throughout the year. The kit is also aesthetic making it a good décor for your kitchen cabinet.

You can use this kit to plant up to four plants at a time.  

Check price here.

TILTOP Hydroponics Growing Kit For Beginners

The TILTOP hydroponic gardening kits will allow you to grow most herbs and vegetables without soil. A water pump supplies nutrients and oxygen to the plants.

The kit has 12 pod slots allowing you to grow 12 plants. However, you can choose not to use the holes if you are growing larger plants.

The light hood is adjustable, allowing you to create more growth room for your plants.   

Check the price here.

AeroGarden Indoor Hydroponic Garden

This aero gardening kit includes six pod seeds and an all plants nutrient mix enough for a full season of growth. You can grow up to six different plants at a time. 

The kit is easy to use. It reminds you when to add water and nutrients. The LED lights go on and off automatically.

Hydroponics for beginners is very simple and fun when you have everything right. This article gives you all the information that you need to get started. 

Check prices here.

FAQs – Home Hydroponics For Beginners

How do I start my own hydroponic system at home?

The quickest and easiest way to start your own hydroponic system at home is with a starter kit. Starter kits are less expensive, easy to use, and come with everything a new home gardener needs.

What are the easiest plants to grow hydroponically?

There are several plants that grow particularly well with hydroponics. Lettuce, tomatoes, and peppers, are some of the easiest to grow.