Potatoes are one of the most beloved and versatile vegetables out there. Investing in a potato growing kit or bag is a great way to harvest them at home easily. In this guide, we teach you everything to know about growing this kitchen staple.
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How To Grow Potatoes At Home
Growing potatoes at home is an entirely accessible hobby. To get started, you’ll have to buy seed potatoes. You might be asking, why do I need potatoes to grow potatoes? Well, potatoes grow vegetatively. Have you ever left potatoes on the counter for far too long? Have you noticed new sprouts growing on the potatoes? This is an example of vegetative growing.
You aren’t going to find seed potatoes at grocery stores. For the most part, potatoes in the grocery store are cured with seed retardant agents that inhibit sprouting. Farm stores are your best bet to find untreated seed potatoes.
Next, you will need to seed your potatoes. This process should start 2-3 weeks before you intend to plant. Seeding works best when operating in a sunny, cool area.
About two days before you plant, the next step is to cut your seeds and choose your bed. Two sprouts are the general rule of thumb for each seed. Be sure to let seeds sit for a couple of days before planting to ensure they do not rot in the soil.
The rest of your process will solely depend on the method you choose to grow. You can use either a pre-made bag or kit or choose the traditional route and plant in the ground.
Want to learn how to grow other vegetables, herbs, and plants at home? Check out some of these great at-home gardening kits:
The Best Microgreen Growing Kits For Home
The Best Tomato Growing Kits For Home Gardeners

Potato Growing Tips
New growers are constantly wondering if investing in a potato growing kit to harvest potatoes at home is a good idea. We think growing potatoes at home is 100% worth it!
We cannot stress enough how valuable potatoes are as a food source. Potatoes are super versatile and used in cuisines all around the world. Because of their versatility, it’s certainly worth learning to grow potatoes at home. Cultivating them isn’t labor-intensive, making them ideal for even novice growers.
Another reason to grow potatoes at home is the convenience. Yes, it’s very easy to purchase potatoes at your local supermarkets. However, nothing beats having fresh potatoes at your disposal in the comfort of your own home.
Lastly, potatoes you grow at home will taste 10x better than the ones you get from a commercial supermarket. A potato growing kit means enjoying organic, non-GMO potatoes. Supermarkets often only equipped with popular potato varieties. Growing potatoes at home allows you the freedom to grow the varieties you want.
Potato Growing Kits For Home
City Pickers Spud Tub Complete Potato Growing Kit
With the City Picker Spud Tub, growing your own delicious potatoes has never been easier. This kit is perfect for home growers who don’t have the space to plant potatoes in the ground. Along with built-in irrigation, drainage, and aeration systems, the kit comes equipped with a 17.5-gallon planter. The planter is capable of growing up to 30 potatoes. Easy-to-follow instructions make the Spud Tub ideal for new home growers.
Best Potato Grow Bags
Grow bags are an excellent option for gardeners wanting to grow at home. They require less space than necessary for the traditional “hill” method and are also suitable for indoors.
Unique Garden 10 Gallon Potato Grow Bags
Union Garden’s 10-gallon potato grow bags are designed to produce delicious and nutritious potatoes for years. Constructed of environmentally friendly PE material, the bags are waterproof heat and cold-resistant, and highly durable.
The kit comes equipped with three ten-gallon planter bags. Its design is sufficient for harvesting tomatoes, carrots, onions, and a range of other root vegetables alongside potatoes. Its topological structure with ventilated holes is guaranteed to help plants grow healthy.
This affordable bag kit is fantastic for new growers on a budget looking for something easy to use and versatile.
Backyard Accessories 15 Gallon Potato Planter Bags
Backyard Accessorries’s 15-gallon potato planter bags will make even the most novice grower look like a pro. Made of durable, heavy-duty bio-degradable plastic, the bags are suited to grow a wide range of root vegetables including potatoes. The bags feature an access flap to help monitor how your crops are growing. No longer do you need a backyard to grow. These bags work perfectly on balconies, small patios, as well as indoors. Reusable, the bags are designed to be used season after season, providing nutritious vegetables year after year.
Is There Anything More I Should Know About Growing Potatoes?
There are a few things to keep in mind when growing potatoes at home.
If you’re choosing to grow outdoors, your potato growing seasons are dependent on your climate. Potatoes grow best in soil between 45-75 degrees Fahrenheit.
For planters in cool climates, it is best to plant right after the last frost. For planters in warm climates, your best results will come if you plant when things cool down in late summer.
Relating to climate, be mindful of the potato variety you choose when outdoor growing. Varieties can be either “late”, “mid”, or “early”. Be sure to select a variety that can grow within the allotted days where your soil is at that optimal 45-75 degrees.
Another tip would be to buy a pre-made potato growing kit or bag! Growing kits are great because they take a lot of the guesswork and labor out of the growing process. Their designs ensure for anyone is able to have a successful harvest.
Kits are also great because they make growing inside more accessible. Growing inside is beneficial for people who lack outdoor space or are worried about common outdoor factors like climate and pests affecting their harvest.
FAQs – Potato Growing Kits
Under the right growing conditions and from a healthy plant, one potato plant will produce 5-10 medium-sized potatoes.
One of the more unique things about growing potatoes is that you can grow them from other potatoes. Once planted in soil, it takes approximately 60-90 days for new potatoes to grow.